Five-Hour Phone Conversations

Friday, January 27, 2006

Heaven Help Us

What happens when we die? What is that exact moment like when we are passing over? My Aunt Helen passed away in December so this question has journeyed through my physche more than once. And I just wanted to put it out there to anyone who feels like answering. Personally, I'm scared to find out. But fascinated, as well.

On a smaller note, I want to give a shout out to Mikey for inspiring me with his "Listening to" series, to start doing the same with my books.

Just read: He's Just No That Into You By Greg Behrendt
Currently reading: Good Harbor by Anita Diamont

Friday, January 20, 2006


Do we drive on parkways and park in driveways?

Do celebs get all the free swag when they can pay for it?

Are air marshals so conspicuous?

Is Michael Musto of The Village Voice so arrogant?

Is James Frey getting ripped a new one for embellishing a few details? Whatever happened to the old adage, "Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's true"?

Why does James Wolcott feel the need to blow smoke up Michael Moore's ass? See the current issue of "Vanity Fair" with Lolita Lohan on the cover.

Why is no one commenting on my blog?

Friday, January 13, 2006


5 Simple Rules to Live By:
1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less

What is the big deal with Philip Seymour Hoffman? Is it just me, or does he remind you of a really creepy pedophile? And Chloe Sevigny? Am I the only one who thinks she has the talent of cardboard? Liev Schrieber: Saw him on my way to work a few weeks ago. Why didn't I ask for an autograph? He's way more than Cotton Weary. And not too bad looking to boot. Naomi Watts is one very lucky gal.

While training at the gym a week ago, Gabi told me I have strong ankles. Don't know why, but the got me very excited. I'm training to be a fitness instructor, so this gave me a little boost. Now, if I could only get that left hip flexor to work for me, all would be good.

Just read: Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America
Currently reading: He's Just Not That Into You
Recommend: Prozac Nation
Watching: Sex and the City
Dinner: Cozymel's in Westbury
Breakfast tomorrow: Rockville Center diner

Friday, January 06, 2006

Things That Make You Go Hmm...

My office building put in a Starbucks last year. Bad move! Anyway, moving on. The building also happens to be across Park Avenue from a Yeshiva University dorm. Yesterday as I'm waiting for my decaf, grande, skim, no-whip Mocha (just try and say it five times fast), three Yeshiva girls were waiting for their order. As the tallest girl received her Venti drink (coincidence; for those unschooled in the art of ordering at the 'Buck, Venti is the tallest drink), she softly muttered a what-I-can-only-imagine-to-be Hebrew blessing. Only once before have I seen such an unexpected moment. The first was a few years ago right outside of Penn Station. Carla and I were walking to work and as we passed a small church at the same time as a young man, he blessed himself. We just kind of looked at one another saying, "Ohh...." I've thought about that moment a lot over the years. Don't really know why. It was just so touching.


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

So, a new year begins. Sans hangover. I have no resolutions, just a list of things I hope to accomplish. Here they are in no particular order:

1. Save at least $6,000.
2. Get back in shape. This one shouldn't be so hard. My old gym, New York San Da (, asked me back to be an instructor. I'll be teaching heavy bag classes, resistance training, and cardio classes. Did I mention it's a martial arts gym? The kickboxing team has won all sorts of awards. So bring your glove and wraps. For the guys, don't forget your cups!
3. Be nicer at work. This may be hard since I work for a micromanager and got NO RAISE this year.
4. Put a nice dent in my reading list. It's gotten so long, I had to computerize it.
5. Convince Chris that's it's OK to eat broccoli. He has this aversion to anything green.
6. Get more people to leave comments on this blog. It's not doing so well in that department, save for Chris ( and Tom (, my fellow bloggers.
7. Get out to volunteer more. I'm in the process of signing up for another Habitat for Humanity ( build. So far I've been to New Zealand, Poland, and Hawaii. This build in September will be in Pititsi (Pea-tesht), Romania. It will be my first in almost two-and-a-half years. Hawaii, although absolutely fabulous, is only good enough for perfect vacations. Don't go there expecting to get any work done. Because you won't.

What do you hope to accomplish in 2006? So far, Chris is volunteering in Mississippi and Tom gets to finally cut into his med school cadaver.